
Buying Arrows can be expensive, so making your own can save you money. If made correctly, these arrows can perform almost as well as professionally made arrows and the best thing is, you can make them look cool and add your favorite colors to them.

Your arrows can be made from wooden dowel or bamboo. The advantage of wooden dowel is that it is perfectly straight so the arrow will be accurate like a professionally made one. The advantage of bamboo arrows are light but are not always straight, so therefore, they can curve in flight making them inaccurate although they can still be fun to shoot and are relatively inexpensive.

Lets get started!

To start making your dowel arrows you will need some dowel. The length of an arrow can range from 45cm to 150cm but it is your personal preference as to how long you want yours to be. Cut them at your desired length and cut a small notch out of one end, wide enough so that you bow string can fit inside but in can not move freely. Once this has been done you can set them aside for later. Next get some duct tape or bird feathers, these will be your feathers. If you are going to use duct tape, cut 3 pieces that are 12cm in length. Start by pushing the center of the strip longways 1.5cm below the end that you have cut the notch out of. Repeat the process with the other two strips making them join together by sticking the overhanging sides together. ( If this was unclear, you can watch this video on YouTube that will show you how)

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