Tracer Rounds

Have you ever wanted to see your ammo at night? Well you can with this simple way of doing it. You will be amazed with the results!

*Warning this may damage your barrel. I take no responsibility if you choose to do this.*

First of all you will need to buy a pack of sparklers (They are about $1). Cut them into small segments roughly 5cm long. Light the end of them and then muzzle load them into your barrel and fire. The wind does not blow them out and they can be easily seen of 100m away.

To get better results, embed the wire of the sparkler into the pellet and light it then load it. The pellet will lead first as it is heavier and the sparkler will be visible behind it.

When it hits something hard, it will send sparks everywhere which looks awesome when its dark.

*Be careful when using this type of ammunition. It can start fires if used incorrectly so make sure you are prepared for the worst.*

Pics and Videos will be coming shortly.

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